Healing power of your Mind. Online lecture

Healing power of your mind. Video-lecture

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You may be interested by other lectures out of the Cancer healing and preventing online program, find them here:

Cancer healing online program

This program comprises the 4 parts of Practical steps of your healing +
A psychological part of healing :
1 video-hypnosis "Healing Life flow" and 3 video-lectures:
"Healing power of your mind", "Healing power of forgiveness", "Meaning of Life and mistakes which prevent us from healing"

See the program

You may be also interested by an inspiring poetry book "Back to myself or my way towards happiness" by Anna Iourenkova


7 € instead of 10 €

You may be also interested by recorded- hypnosis sessions:

imageSleep improving audio-hypnosis- Info. 60€
imageExit depression audio-hypnosis -Info. 100e
imageGet rid of sugar audio-hypnosis - Info. 200€

See Anna Iourenkova's website


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